The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing
Written by one of the world's leading experts in the field, The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing is a basic introduction to the extraordinary extrasensory perceptual skill which was developed for the US military during the Cold War. This book describes what remote viewing is, how it came to be, what kinds of remote viewing there are, and counters skeptical arguments against remote viewing's legitimacy. Further, the book contains examples of successful remote viewing attempts, explains how remote viewing can be used for practical purposes, how ordinary civilians can themselves now learn to do it, and outlines experiments that readers can try for themselves. The ideal reader of The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing will be someone who knows little or nothing about remote viewing and wants an inexpensive source for credible information. Others who will be interested are those who are involved in remote viewing and want an easily-accessible introduction to give to friends or relatives who have questions about what this thing is their loved ones have gotten involved with. Finally, those who are already involved with remote viewing but feel the need to extend their basic knowledge will find this book both interesting and useful.