The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi
THE LIFE OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI SAINT BONAVENTURE — A Catholic Classic! — Includes Illustrations by Caravaggio — Includes an Active Index, Table of Contents and NCX Navigation Publisher: Available in Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-1-78379-316-7 The grace of God our Saviour hath in these latter days appeared in His servant Francis unto all such as be truly humble, and lovers of holy Poverty, who, adoring the overflowing mercy of God seen in him, are taught by his ensample to utterly deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live after the manner of Christ, thirsting with unwearied desire for the blessed hope. For God Most High regarded him, as one that truly was poor and of a contrite spirit, with so great condescension of His favour as that not only did He raise him up in his need from the dust of his worldly way of life, but also made him a true professor, leader, and herald of Gospel perfection. Thus He gave him for a light unto believers, that by bearing witness of the light he might prepare for the Lord the way of light and peace in the hearts of the faithful. PUBLISHER: CATHOLIC WAY PUBLISHING