The Easy Way to Learn Arabic
The most frequently used 2,000 Arabic words divided for ease of learning into 100 units of 20 words each with transliteration, script and translation plus indexes and a detailed introduction. In practical terms, anyone who masters the basic vocabulary in "The Easy Way to Learn Arabic" will need only another 15% or so to cover the entire vocabulary encountered in newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television. Provides an easy route to mastering good, usable, basic Arabic. Easy-to-learn Unit Structure gets you the words you need to know quickly and easily. One hundred easy-to-master units of 20 words each. These words are the essential foundation stones on which you intuitively build your language framework: The first five units (100 words) account for 50% of normal conversational usage - the first 500 words account for 75% of normal conversational usage The full 2,000 words will equip you for nearly all word occurrences in modern Arabic usage in speech, newspapers, books, television etc. Also provides an all-in-one basic Arabic-English dictionary in transliteration and an All-in-one basic English-Arabic Dictionary The simplest, most logical way to pick up an Arabic vocabulary of ten thousand words from two thousand. Presents you with the 2,000 word basic vocabulary ordered by frequency of occurrence in modern usage - in one hundred simple units. A learning aid for those living in Arab countries, visiting the Arab world or doing business with the nations of the Middle East from Morocco to Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabic script has been transliterated throughout to aid quick assimilation, and the commonest two thousand key words in Arabic, with their meanings in English, have been arranged in decreasing order of frequency. A simple, fast, proven way to learn Arabic with ease.