Chemometrics in Environmental Analysis
J. W. Einax, H. W. Zwanziger S. Gei Chemometrics in Environmental Analysis Make the most of your data! This new title will serve both as an introduction and as a practical guide to those techniques of chemometrics which are applicable to environmental analysis. By describing the optimum methods of data analysis it will help all chemists in this field to save time and money. Because the authors demonstrate the most important chemometric methods with the aid of numerous examples, the reader will learn to solve a given problem by use of the appropriate method. Applications range from sampling, through laboratory analysis, to evaluation. Interpretation of the findings is explained clearly. The text covers not only basic methods such as univariate statistics, regression analysis, and statistical test planning, but also multivariate data analysis, for example, cluster analysis, principal components analysis, and factor and discriminant analysis. Case studies show the enormous possibilities, and the limits, of chemometric methods. The book will help all environmental analytical scientists, even those with only a basic knowledge of mathematics, to optimize the evaluation and interpretation of the results of their measurements.