FINAL DEMANDZ- The Call Of Your Greatness
VISION OF FINAL DEMANDZ:- TO MAKE A COOPERATIVE WORLD OF TRUE LIVING. “Are you sacrificing for progression or just compromising for regression?” -SS ROY Q. What is the least benefit of reading this book? A. If one reads and understands this book, at least he/she will never stay unhappy & poor again. Q. What is the highest benefit of reading this book? A. After understanding this book, one will start living an extraordinary life & nothing can stop him/her to go after the call of greatness. THE PURPOSE OF FINAL DEMANDZ:- TO SUPPORT YOU IN THE JOURNEY OF YOUR GREATNESS. The majority of people live under constant stress, which is the parent of unhappiness and it is the root cause of all the sufferings and evils as well. Because over-stress dysfunctions important functions of the body and makes us less intelligent. Everyone wants to be happy and that’s beautiful but if you ask the majority of them- what is their happiness? They will react like they know everything but deep inside, they are unhappy. If you ask why they are not happy then they will reflect with their weaknesses i.e. their answers will be full of lies and cowardice. Don’t you believe it? You will believe it after reading this book. It has become hard for people to manage life in an organized way due to the lack of fundamental knowledge, which is crucially needed to live a peaceful and happy life. When people try to get one solution, they get stuck on another problem which makes them rotating in the circle of stressful life. If there is no balance or stability of mind then how one can expect peace in life! “Start valuing your time and energy, life will definitely fall in love with you.” -SS ROY MISSION OF FINAL DEMANDZ:- TO RAISE THE HIGHER TASTE & THE CLARITY OF LIFE TOWARDS GREATNESS. Every human being has the potential to make an extraordinary life or at least to have a better experience of his/her own life. But until and unless one does not come out of common paranoia, will not be able to raise the level of consciousness, discover own potential and work for something extraordinary. In fact, one cannot have a better experience of his/her own life. So, this book is holding one of the strongest solutions to get rid of all those problems & will help you to take the best and the most powerful decisions in the journey of the rest of your life. Therefore, it is a message and service to support your journey of greatness. It is the call of your success and wellness. It is the call of your greatness. Specific About This Book:- “To get the clarity of your vision you must clear the dust of doubts in your mind.”- SS ROY This book has covered – a complete solution for living an extraordinary life. You will know:- Ø How to design and achieve an organized and extraordinary life by handling and excluding the unnecessary doubts, dramas, and dogmas of life. Ø How to discover the passion and how to empower it. Ø How to get the mastery over anything you desire to achieve. Ø How to illuminate all the important aspect of life by living and exploring own passion. Ø How to set the clear vision and mission of life. Ø How to boost up the mission with the purpose to touch the abundance of prosperity. Ø How to tackle up all the major problems of life coming in between the journey of greatness. Ø How to reprogram the mind for wellness by developing a strong and beautiful mindset. Ø A clear-cut conclusion of solutions to get rid of fear and all the stresses or the resentments of life to live and lead a fearless life. Ø A broad discussion and the powerful solutions of all the major important aspects – like MISSION, FINANCE, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIP, SELF-OBSERVATION, SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SERVICE AND TIME. Ø How to control your destiny to do something significant in life and to be the master of an extraordinary life. This book is empowered with many beautiful plus fearless quotes and affirmations that will be embodied in your mind and help you to become a super-spirit of your mission. This book will help you to raise your taste of greatness. Last but not least this book will make you realize how special and great you are already. “Fruits and flowers are highly appreciated or maybe the roots and the leaves, and very few will understand how many lives it's supporting. Whatever it is, but it feels great when you know that you have planted and grown that tree.” -SS ROY