Primarily intended for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil, mechanical and aerospace/aeronautical engineering, this text emphasises the importance of reliability in engineering computations and understanding the process of computer aided engineering. Written with a view to promote the correct use of finite element technology and to present a detailed study of a set of essential computational tools for the practice of structural dynamics, this book is a ready-reckoner for an in-depth discussion of finite element theory and estimation and control of errors in computations. It is specifically aimed at the audience with interest in vibrations and stress analysis. Several worked out examples and exercise problems have been included to describe the various aspects of finite element theory and modelling. The exercise on error analysis will be extremely helpful in grasping the essence of posteriori error analysis and mesh refinement. KEY FEATURES • Thorough discussion of numerical algorithms for reliable and efficient computation. • Ready-to-use finite element system and other scientific applications. • Tips for improving the quality of finite element solutions. • Companion DVD containing ready to use finite element applications. AUDIENCE: Senior Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace/Aeronautical engineering