Closer Than You Think
A short story collection: 21 stories and about 64,000 words. Closer Than You Think is a journey from the near future -- self-driving cars, automation, 3D printing -- to the far future where, who knows? houses may own humans or climate change might force the last of humanity to take shelter deep under the ocean. No aliens, but the farther forward we go, the more alien the human beings get! Science Fiction, scifi, futurism, collection, short story, short stories, app economy, uber economy, virtual reality, video games, self-driving car, self driving car, autonomous vehicle, laboratory grown meat, cultured meat, cannibal, exploitation, crowdfunding, augmented reality, surveillance state, exile, personality transfer, artificial brain, life extension, android body, servant robot, household robot, automation, nanotechnology, personality reconstruction, robot relative, drone, automated warfare, remote control military vehicle, gay, artificial intelligence, ai, love story, automated house, smart house, internet of things, apocalypse, end of the world, end of civilization, civilization crash, social collapse, primitivism, primitive, regression, climate change, sea level rise, rising seas, underwater city, submarine, end of life on earth, space travel, space colony, life extension