A Life of Struggles
Kundan Khera's journey begins on the dusty streets of an impoverished Indian village and leads to recognition as one of the world's outstanding scientists. His memoirs are painted with tales of grief, tragedy, and brutal hardships on the one hand, and with humanity, friendship, humor, and self-fulfillment on the other. Married at 15, Khera struggles to secure his own and his family's future, enduring hunger and appalling living and working conditions. Labeled "insubordinate" by his superior, Khera sadly sees little opportunity for advancement in India. Winning a postdoctoral fellowship at Baylor University in Houston marks the turning point in his career and his life. His move to Canada results in his pioneering research on maternal toxicity and on the toxic effects of drugs and chemicals on human health. His research into MSG, caffeine, Agent Orange, and other chemicals and pesticides set the standard for testing and has been recognized internationally by his peers.