Sample Size Determination in Health Studies
This manual presents the practical and statistical information needed to help investigators decide how large a sample to select from a population targeted for a health study or survey. Designed to perform a "cookbook" function, the book uses explanatory text and abundant tabular calculations to vastly simplify the task of determining the minimum sample size needed to obtain statistically valid results. The objective is to assist those investigators, undertaking health studies at local or district level, who lack detailed knowledge of statistical methodology. Acknowledging that the size of a sample will depend on the aims, nature, and scope of the study, the first part of the book provides a practical farmework for working through the steps of sample size determination once a proposed study and its objectives have been clearly defined. The second part of the book features more than 50 pages of tables that enable the reader to determine the sample size required, under simple random sampling, in a given type of study without recourse to complicated calculations.