Panch Mahabhuta Tatwa And Sharira
All forms of life comprise the five Natural Elements (Panch Mahabhuta Tatwa), namely, Air, Water, Soil, Space and Fire. These five Elements combine together to create a balance in Nature, which ultimately helps in the creation and sustenance of life. Any kind of disharmony may lead to a catastrophe. However, the modern man with his increasing interference in the natural mechanisms, is incessantly polluting the Elements and as such casting a doom on himself. Panch Mahabhuta Tatwa and Sharira offers a scientific study of the Elements and the body, and their inter-relationship. It is an effort to introduce ourselves to our selfish face and the impact it is having on the environment and life on earth. the book, basically, aims at making us realise the need to change our ways, close the entrance to the path of destruction and extinction, and move on the constructive path, keeping the Elements clean for growth, health and happiness. Not only will it be a victory of man, but also of Elements, body, divinity and humanity!