Quiet Talks on Power
Seven powerful spiritual addresses. A remarkable little book in its intimate and impressive presentation of vital truth in regard to the development of Christian experience. "The author is well known to thoughtful readers by his 'quiet talks' on power, and prayer, and service. he has the gift of discernment in spiritual things and writes out of a rich experience of religious truth." -The Standard "The power here treated of is the power of personality inspired through close personal sympathy with Jesus; it is power for full and strong Christian living with effective influence. Mr. Gordon takes the English Bible in its face meaning to the ordinary reader, and speaks in a simple but searching and stimulating way." -New Outlook "Full of earnest, but not sensational, teaching about the power of God manifest in and working through men." -The Congregationalist "This is a remarkable book." -Life of Faith, London "Spiritual manna. No one can read it without profit." -The Standard "I have no hesitation in saying that I believe this book contains the most helpful discussions of power from on high that I know anything about." -J. Wilbur Chapman "There is real religion in this book. It takes the old firm truth of the gospel and states it in our own speech with tact and tenderness, but with fearlessness and fidelity. Christians cannot read it without a quickening of the conscience and surely no unatrophied soul can go through its strong pages unmoved. There is quiet, straight-forward thinking on the practical issues of religion, and there is warm and sincere appeal to the heart. It is a good book." -Record of Christian Work "Touches the secret springs of spiritual life, and is invaluable for all who are seeking to win men for Christ." -The Christian "An evangelistic book, free of the faults often to be discovered in works of this variety, and replete with serious suggestion inducing to a higher spiritual life." -Woman's Missionary Friend CONTENTS CHOKED CHANNELS THE OLIVET MESSAGE THE CHANNEL OF POWER THE PRICE OF POWER THE PERSONALITY OF POWER MAKING AND BREAKING CONNECTIONS THE FLOOD-TIDE OF POWER FRESH SUPPLIES OF POWER