Recent Advances in Microbiology Research
Microbiology is the study of tiny microbesincluding bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi, microalgae, protozoans etc. They are ubiquitous in nature, survive and grow in both hospitable and unhospitable ecosystems, vital to environment, having both harmful & beneficial facet to the entire biological worldand are exploited by researchers. Microbiology exists in the world from the dawn of civilization. Our Grand mothers’ prepare curd since time immemorial without the knowledge that the bacterium Lactobacillus convert milk to curd. Our Grand fathers’ use to grow legumes after rice as a system of crop rotation to find better productivity without any scientific knowledge. It is the fact that the soil bacterium Rhizobium, symbiotically get associated with leguminous roots, form root nodules and fix atmospheric Nitrogen, increasing soil fertility. After the Monstrous discovery of bacteria in 1674 by Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, Microbiology Developed as a branch of Science. Exploring knowledge over conversion of hypothesis to phenomenon paves the way for new approachesleading tomile stones in the dome of microbiology. Scientists with their research excellence have recognised the potentiality of Microorganisms and today Microorganisms find their applications in Agriculture, Food, Textile, Paper, Leather, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic Industries etc. for quality value added products and sustainability of Human Society. Not only that, microbes find their wide application in environment cleaning through bioremediation, sewage treatment methods, biotransformation Technologies and so on. Microbial fuel cells are an alternate to fossil fuels too. Genetically modified microorganisms, show a great potentiality and applications, for the growth, development and sustainability of human society in various fields. Recent Advances in Microbiology Research deals withapplication of potential microbes to a specific endeavors viz., natural resources recovery, bioremediation, production of foods & supplements, chemicals, biomaterials, bio-energy, drugs, vaccines anddevelopment of diagnostic tools & biosensor techniques carried out by different workers in the field of microbiology. The Editors Have tried to compile this book, as a maiden effort to collate documentation to augment visibilitypertaining to recent developments in microbiological research. The editors, take vanity to congratulate and express their sincere thanks & gratitude to all the valuable contributions& the contributors received from diverse nook & corners of globe and administrative & technical support received from the publisher. As a matter of fact, it would help the students, academicians, researchers to abreast the recent knowledge in the field of Microbiological research.