Indian Ethnobotany: Bibliography of 21st Century (2001-2015)
Ethnobotany deals with traditional and indigenous associations of people with plants. The subject has been attracting more and more scholars in India and many other countries. It’s importance in search for new molecules from ethnomedicinal herbs and useful genes from wild relatives and land races of crops, still in use among many native folk, for genetic engineering has enhanced the importance of the discipline. The number of books and research papers published each year has been rapidly increasing .Research workers need to know about the work done on their topic of study. Bibliographies reviews greatly help in this and save their valuable time. About 2500 publications are listed in the present book. To facilitate the search of reference on particular region, ethnic groups or use categories indexes are given for providing clues to such search. Research guides can easily spot gaps in ethnobotanical studies in any ethnic society, as also regions of the country. Biographers will find from one source the work done in single or joint authorship by the scientist on whom they are writing. To facilitate this an index by surname of joint authors is also provided. The book will be an essential reference work for research workers.