Shh! My Brother's Napping
There's nothing better than a sleeping child -- and nothing harder than keeping an exuberant sibling quiet for that precious naptime. "Shh! My brother's napping. He really needs his sleep," admonishes our adorable narrator at the outset of this story. But there are pots to bang, books to read, towers to build, pictures to paint, and all sorts of fun to be had. It's just so hard not to make any noise! After a tower of books and blocks comes crashing down, little brother is wide awake and it's finally time to bring out the rest of the toys and have some fun! But who's that yawning now? This time, it's little brother's turn to tell us, "Shh, my brother's napping." Ruth Ohi's expressive art captures a scene familiar to every young family in this charming book that will delight children and parents alike.