Transcultural Nursing
Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention, 4/e, addresses specific assessment and intervention strategies needed for clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Part 1 provides a systematic model of nursing assessment and intervention which takes into account six cultural phenomena: communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variations. In Part 2 these six cultural phenomena are systematically applied to the assessment and care of individuals in specific cultures. Since the first edition Giger & Davidhizar has been praised for its quick reference, user-friendly assessment tool for use with clients in diverse clinical settings. Giger throughout provides clarification of some of the biological variations for select cultural groups. Transcultural Nursing also has an outstanding holistic overview of genetics in Chapter 7 that helps the student understand genetics and genetic based diseases that are cultural, racially, and ethnic based. The 4th edition will be thoroughly updated throughout with an emphasis on including new genetic and biologic variations. Features Giger and Davidhizar's Transcultural Assessment Model, with a full chapter devoted to each of the six aspects of cultural assessment, to help the reader apply this model to any client of any culture. Presents critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter to help students apply the assessment framework in practice. Includes an expansion of the spiritual component throughout, with an emphasis on various religions. Offers clarification of some of the biological variations for select cultural groups. A holistic overview of genetics helps readers understand genetics and genetic based diseases that are cultural, racially, and ethnic based. Update throughout with an emphasis on including new genetic and biologic variations New appendix includes a competency test with over 70 comprehensive multiple choice questions