Performance Incentives for Global Health
Health systems in most low-income countries are under-resourced and underused, failing to meet the needs of those who need health care the most. But what if health service providers-or even patients-were rewarded partially on the basis of their performance? Based on a review of experiences to date, the authors of this volume argue that performance incentives have great potential to improve health care for the world's poor. They are one way to use funding dedicated to individual diseases or interventions to strengthen core health system functions. In Part I, Eichler and Levine provide clear guidance about how to design, implement, and evaluate such programs, whether they target health care providers, patients, or both. Part II comprises a set of case studies that examine the use of such incentives to address a range of health conditions and challenges in diverse countries. Performance Incentives for Global Health: Potential and Pitfalls will help policymakers and program managers in developing countries and in the donor community improve health care systems through the strategic use of performance incentives. Book jacket.