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Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 3E
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 3E
A handbook that you will refer to throughout your entire pharmacy education! Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a one-of-a-kind roadmap for excelling in pharmacy practice courses. A unique combination calculations, kinetics, drug information, medical terminology, and laboratory data book all in one, the Guide helps you organize case information, improve problem-solving skills, learn terminology, and impress faculty during rounds. Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is presented in three sections that span the entire pharmacy curriculum: Systems and Expectations covering etiquette, ethics, communication, monitoring patients, and the function of a medical team Patient Care Tool Box covering medical terminology, pharmacokinetics, laboratory data, and physical assessment Topics in Pharmacy Practice addressing the practice of community and institutional pharmacy, the pharmacists as drug information specialist, managed care, public health, and global pharmacy Valuable for both introductory and advanced practice courses, Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is the one book every pharmacy student must own.
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Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, Second Edition
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, Second Edition
The book every pharmacy student must own! Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a one-of-a-kind roadmap for excelling in pharmacy practice courses. A combination calculations, kinetics, drug information, medical terminology, and laboratory data book all in one, the Guide helps you organize case information, improve problem-solving skills, learn terminology, and impress faculty during rounds. Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is presented in three sections that span the entire pharmacy curriculum: Systems and Expectations covering ethics, communication, monitoring drug therapy, and regulatory agencies Patient Care Tool Box covering medical terminology, pharmacokinetics, laboratory data, and physical assessment Topics in Pharmacy Practice covering Drug Information and Drug Literature Evaluation, Community/Ambulatory Care, Institutional Pharmacy Practice, Public Health, Reducing Health Disparities Through Domestic and Global Outreach to the Undeserved Valuable for both introductory and advanced practice course, Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a book you will turn to throughout your entire pharmacy education.
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Pharmacy Clerkship Manual
Pharmacy Clerkship Manual
Publisher Description (unedited publisher data) BUILD SKILLS WITH PATIENT-CENTERED PRACTICE. PHARMACY CLERKSHIP MANUAL: * Provides loads of case studies and case-study problems to help you build and apply your knowledge * Provides important chapters on Managed Care and the Community Clerkship * Offers practical on-the-job basics as well as professional skill-building exercises * Hones your knowledge of drug and therapeutic terminology * Provides patient-focused practice in pharmacokinetics, drug monitoring, physical assessment, and calculations * Helps you get comfortable with patient communications with a special chapter * Guides you through both initial and advanced clerkships * Simplifies law and liability issues Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Pharmacy Study and teaching, Clinical clerkship, Pharmacy Problems and Exercises, Education, Pharmacy Problems and Exercises, Pharmacy Administration Problems and Exercises.
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Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, Second Edition
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, Second Edition
The book every pharmacy student must own! Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a one-of-a-kind roadmap for excelling in pharmacy practice courses. A combination calculations, kinetics, drug information, medical terminology, and laboratory data book all in one, the Guide helps you organize case information, improve problem-solving skills, learn terminology, and impress faculty during rounds. Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is presented in three sections that span the entire pharmacy curriculum: Systems and Expectations covering ethics, communication, monitoring drug therapy, and regulatory agencies Patient Care Tool Box covering medical terminology, pharmacokinetics, laboratory data, and physical assessment Topics in Pharmacy Practice covering Drug Information and Drug Literature Evaluation, Community/Ambulatory Care, Institutional Pharmacy Practice, Public Health, Reducing Health Disparities Through Domestic and Global Outreach to the Undeserved Valuable for both introductory and advanced practice course, Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a book you will turn to throughout your entire pharmacy education.
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Pharmacy Clerkship Manual
Pharmacy Clerkship Manual
Publisher Description (unedited publisher data) BUILD SKILLS WITH PATIENT-CENTERED PRACTICE. PHARMACY CLERKSHIP MANUAL: * Provides loads of case studies and case-study problems to help you build and apply your knowledge * Provides important chapters on Managed Care and the Community Clerkship * Offers practical on-the-job basics as well as professional skill-building exercises * Hones your knowledge of drug and therapeutic terminology * Provides patient-focused practice in pharmacokinetics, drug monitoring, physical assessment, and calculations * Helps you get comfortable with patient communications with a special chapter * Guides you through both initial and advanced clerkships * Simplifies law and liability issues Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Pharmacy Study and teaching, Clinical clerkship, Pharmacy Problems and Exercises, Education, Pharmacy Problems and Exercises, Pharmacy Administration Problems and Exercises.
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