The Culture of Silence
Reproductive tract infections (RTI) are a problem for women in the 3rd World that is ignored by international policy makers, program planners and international donor agencies. The author claims that contrary to a growing body of evidence this can be attributed to many misconceptions about RTIs. It is mistakenly believed that few women suffer from RTIs and those that do are prostitutes. The facts indicate the contrary. Gonorrhea alone has been found in 12% of Asian women, 18% of Latin American women and 40% of African women. Other forms of RTI that show a significant prevalence are syphilis, genital herpes, chancroid, genital warts, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis chlamydia. Cervical cancer, while not an RTI, is believed to be aggravated by RTIs and of the 1/2 million new cases reported annually, 3/4 of them are in developing countries. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is another RTI that can lead to infertility. Studies on the prevalence of PID are scarce, but in the ones that have been done in Africa, the rate is as high as 20%. This article details women's biological and social risk of RTIs including behavioral factors associated with STDs. The author's final conclusion is that the problem of RTIs has already proved to be significant even with the limited number of studies, performed. It is in the best interest of the women of the 3rd world to further study and begin treating this possibly life threatening problem.