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Representative Actors
Representative Actors
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A Well-furnished Heart
A Well-furnished Heart
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The RCC Pilotage Foundation Atlantic Crossing Guide
The RCC Pilotage Foundation Atlantic Crossing Guide
The Atlantic Crossing Guide is a complete reference for anyone planning an Atlantic passage in their own boat. It is described by Yachting World magazine as 'An invaluable mixture of planning manual and pilot book, and an essential investment if you're planning to cross the Pond.' From ideal timing, suitable boats, routes, methods of communication and provisioning to sources of regional weather information, hurricane tracks, currents and tides, departure and arrival ports, facilities on arrival and documentation required, the comprehensiveness of this new edition will both inspire dreamers and instill confidence in those about to depart. This is the definitive reference on the subject, relied upon by many thousands of cruisers crossing the Atlantic in both directions and packed with all the information they need. 'I cannot imagine setting sail without it' - SAIL magazine (US)
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Humid Tropical Environments
Humid Tropical Environments
The humid tropics contain some of the world's richest, most diverse, most important and most threatened environments. This book draws on recent work by geographers, biologists, ecologists, geologists and climatologists to present a complete and integrated appraisal of the natural environment of all the humid tropical regions of the world. The most complete textbook on this key subject. Fully illustrated throughout with photographs and diagrams. Informative case studies and examples. Considers the physical environment as a whole and stresses the link between the elements.
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Politics and Violence in Burundi
Politics and Violence in Burundi
Reveals the neglected history of decolonisation and violence in Burundi through the political language of truth, citizenship and violence.
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Vermont Waterfalls
Vermont Waterfalls
More than 200 waterfalls, from town centers to roadsides to isolated natural areas For those who seek the special serenity that seems to be found near moving water, this guide to waterfalls in one of America’s most beautiful states will be a blissful find in itself. Vermont Waterfalls: A Guide is illustrated with appealing antique postcards of some of the state’s most famous falls as well as modern photographs of falls described here for the first time. Using the same successful geographic organization scheme employed in Connecticut Waterfalls: A Guide, the author makes it feasible to see several waterfalls in one trip. Detailed maps identify waterfalls by their proximity to Vermont's major roadways: US 7 in the west; route 100 bridging the center; and US5/I-91 to the east. With more than 200 entries that include the history of and directions to all these cataracts and cascades, this guide is meant for everyone—waterfall enthusiasts, photographers, hikers, artists, families . . .
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William Howard Russell's Civil War
William Howard Russell's Civil War
Having won renown in the 1850s for his vivid warfront dispatches from the Crimea, William Howard Russell was the most celebrated foreign journalist in America during the first year of the Civil War. As a special correspondent for The Times of London, Russell was charged with explaining the American crisis to a British audience, but his reports also had great impact in America. They so alienated both sides, North and South, that Russell was forced to return to England prematurely in April 1862. My Diary North and South (1863), Russell's published account of his visit remains a classic of Civil War literature. It was not in fact a diary but a narrative reconstruction of the author's journeys and observations based on his private notebooks and published dispatches. Despite his severe criticisms of American society and conduct, Russell offered in that work generally sympathetic characterizations of the Northern and Southern leadership during the war. In this new volume, Martin Crawford brings together the journalist's original diary and a selection of his private correspondence to resurrect the fully uninhibited Russell and to provide, accordingly, a true documentary record of this important visitor's first impressions of America during the early months of its greatest crisis. Over the course of his visit, Russell traveled widely throughout the Union and the new Confederacy, meeting political and social leaders on both sides. Included here are spontaneous - and often unflattering - comments on such prominent figures as William H. Seward, Jefferson Davis, Mary Todd Lincoln, and George B. McClellan, as well as quick sketches of New York, Washington, New Orleans, and other cities. Alsorevealed for the first time are the anxiety and despair that Russell experienced during his visit - a state induced by his own self-doubt, by concern over the health and situation of his wife in England, and, finally, by the bitter criticism he received in America over his reports, especially his famous description of the Union retreat from Bull Run in July 1861. A sometimes vain and pompous figure, Russell also emerges here as an individual of exceptional tenacity - a man who abhorred slavery and remained convinced of the essential rectitude of the Northern cause even as he criticized Northern leaders, their lack of preparedness for war, and the apparent disunity of the Northern population. In calmer times, Crawford notes, Russell's independent qualities might have brought him admiration, but in the turbulent climate of Civil War America they succeeded only in arousing deep suspicion.
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The Complete Harvard Classics - ALL 71 Volumes
The Complete Harvard Classics - ALL 71 Volumes
The original Harvard Classics Collection contains 51 volumes of the essential works of world literature, showing the progress of man from antics to modern age. In this edition, the original collection is supplemented with the 20 volume Harvard Shelf of Fiction, a selection of the greatest works of fiction. Content: The Harvard Classics: V. 1: Franklin, Woolman & Penn V. 2: Plato, Epictetus & Marcus Aurelius V. 3: Bacon, Milton, Browne V. 4: John Milton V. 5: R. W. Emerson V. 6: Robert Burns V. 7: St Augustine & Thomas á Kempis V. 8: Nine Greek Dramas V. 9: Cicero and Pliny V. 10: The Wealth of Nations V. 11: The Origin of Species V. 12: Plutarchs V. 13: Æneid V. 14: Don Quixote V. 15: Bunyan & Walton V. 16: 1001 Nights V. 17: Folklore & Fable V. 18: Modern English Drama V. 19: Goethe & Marlowe V. 20: The Divine Comedy V. 21: I Promessi Sposi V. 22: The Odyssey V. 23: Two Years Before the Mast V. 24: Edmund Burke V. 25: J. S. Mill & T. Carlyle V. 26: Continental Drama V. 27 & 28: English & American Essays V. 29: The Voyage of the Beagle V. 30: Scientific Papers V. 31: The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini V. 32: Literary and Philosophical Essays V. 33: Voyages & Travels V. 34: French & English Philosophers V. 35: Chronicle and Romance V. 36: Machiavelli, Roper, More, Luther V. 37: Locke, Berkeley, Hume V. 38: Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur V. 39: Prologues V. 40–42: English Poetry V. 43: American Historical Documents V. 44 & 45: Sacred Writings V. 46 & 47: Elizabethan Drama V. 48: Blaise Pascal V. 49: Saga V. 50: Reader's Guide V. 51: Lectures The Shelf of Fiction: V. 1 & 2: The History of Tom Jones V. 3: A Sentimental Journey & Pride and Prejudice V. 4: Guy Mannering V. 5 & 6: Vanity Fair V. 7 & 8: David Copperfield V. 9: The Mill on the Floss V. 10: Irving, Poe, Harte, Twain, Hale V.11: The Portrait of a Lady V. 12: Notre Dame de Paris V. 13: Balzac, Sand, de Musset, Daudet, de Maupassant V. 14 & 15: Goethe, Keller, Storm, Fontane V. 16–19: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev V. 20: Valera, Bjørnson, Kielland
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