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PFASs in the Nordic environment
PFASs in the Nordic environment
This report describes a screening study of in all ninety-nine conventional and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the Nordic environment. In addition, extractable organic fluorine (EOF) was analysed. The latter can provide the amount, but not identity, of organofluorine in the samples, which in turn can be used to assess the mass balance between known and unknown PFASs. The study was initiated by the Nordic Screening Group and funded by these and the Nordic Council of Ministers through the Chemicals Group.A total of 102 samples were analyzed in this study, including bird eggs, fish, marine mammals, terrestrial mammals, surface water, WWTP effluents and sludge, and air. Samples were collected by institutes from the participating countries and self-governing areas; Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
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Four Modern Mystery Dramas
Four Modern Mystery Dramas
The Doorway of Initiation – The Trial of the Soul – The Guardian of the Threshold – The Souls Awaken Rudolf Steiner's four modern mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma, transporting us to landscapes of soul and spirit where supra-sensory beings are visible, active and influential. Through perception of these hidden worlds, we are given tools to comprehend the background to the struggles we face in everyday life – both in human relationships and in our attempts to practise spiritual development. Written between the years 1910 and 1913, during periods of intense inner and outer work, the dramas are powerful testimonies to Steiner's artistic creativity. By manifesting soul and spirit forms on stage, they foreshadow a dramatic art of the future. Rudolf Steiner planned for all four mystery dramas to be performed in August 1923, but this was no longer possible because of the burning of the first Goetheanum on New Year's Eve, 1922. They were eventually performed together for the first time in 1930 and since then have been staged regularly, in many languages, throughout the world. This fresh rendering into English by Richard Ramsbotham also features an extensive introduction by him. >GA 14
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The Goddess
The Goddess
Rediscovering the Goddess Natura; Retracing our Steps - Mediaeval Thought and the School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginning - the Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianity - the Virgin Sophia; the Search for the New Isis; The Renewal of the Mysteries; The Modern Isis, the Divine Sophia.
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Past and Future Impulses
Past and Future Impulses
Barely four months after the end of the First World War, with Europe in chaos and exhausted from years of conflict, Rudolf Steiner offered these lectures of hope and renewal. Despite continuing social troubles around the world, he knew that human beings had an opportunity to organize society in a new way. Steiner responded to this prospect by giving suggestions for creating innovative social structures that are in harmony with people's inner needs. Humanity as a whole is now facing a great challenge in that it is 'crossing the threshold' to the spiritual world, says Steiner. This means that an evolutionary separation is taking place within the human soul between thinking, feeling and will. For this to happen in a healthy way, the outer make-up of society should mirror and support our internal evolution. Steiner points to the urgent need for 'threefolding' – a separation between the workings of culture, economics and politics. This is a subconscious demand, he asserts – not for thinking up cranky ideas within a sect, but for shedding light on what is needed universally! These important lectures cover numerous themes, including the overcoming of class distinctions, the administration of money, technology and capitalism, the antisocial tendency of nationalism, and the future management of international relations. Twelve lectures, Dornach, Mar.–April 1919, GA 190
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The Second Coming of Christ
The Second Coming of Christ
"The being whom we call Christ once walked the earth in flesh and blood at the beginning of our era. He will never again return in a physical body, for that was a unique event and will not be repeated. But He will come again in an etheric form in the period I have mentioned. People will learn to perceive Christ by virtue of growing towards him through this etheric perception." Many contemporaries were unaware of Christ's incarnation on earth at the beginning of the modern era. And today, says Rudolf Steiner, many remain ignorant of the most important event of our time: the appearance of Christ in the etheric - or life - realm of the earth. Fundamentalist and millennial groups await a second physical incarnation, while atheists and materialists deny spirit altogether. Nevertheless, an incisive transformation is taking place in the human soul that will lead to an emerging clairvoyance. Just as Paul perceived Christ at Damascus, so may every human being experience Him today.
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The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
"Since the coming of Gautama Buddha, Eastern mystics have spoken especially about a future condition when earth will be bathed in a moral etheric atmosphere. Ever since the time of the ancient rishis, they had hoped that this moral impulse would come to earth from Vishva Karman (or from Ahura Mazda, as Zarathustra proclaimed). Eastern mysticism foresaw that this moral atmosphere would come to earth from the being we call the Christ. Eastern mystics had set their hopes on the being of Christ." -- Rudolf Steiner (p. 125) The first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles describes Christ's Ascension: "and a cloud received him out of their sight." As the disciples were looking up, two angels appeared and said, "the same Jesus, taken up from you into heaven, shall come again in the same way as you have seen him go." Starting in 1910, Rudolf Steiner initiated a series of lectures announcing the advent of Christ's appearance in the sphere of the earth's etheric or life body. This he said would begin between 1930 and 1940, but at first, only a few people would be aware of it. In time, more and more people --regardless of their religious affiliation --would be infused by Christ's living presence. Such "Damascus experiences," bespeaking a new natural clairvoyance, Steiner said, would become increasingly common. The Christ will become a living comforter. Though it may seem strange now, it is nevertheless true that even large numbers of people sitting together and wondering what to do will see the etheric Christ. He will be there and confer with them; he will cast his word into their gathering. We are approaching these times when this positive, constructive element will take hold of human evolution." -- Rudolf Steiner (p. 122) The lectures collected here on the second coming of Christ also contain significant related issues, such as spiritual science and etheric vision, the etheric vision of the future, the Sermon on the Mount and the land of Shambhala, the etherization of the blood, the mysteries of comets and the moon, Buddhism and Pauline Christianity, and the three realms between death and rebirth.
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The Lively Interchange Between The Living and The Dead
The Lively Interchange Between The Living and The Dead
A single lecture taken from the volume Life Beyond Death.
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Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities, including education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion and the arts. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic discipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries of life. Samples of Steiner's work are to be found in this introductory reader in which Matthew Barton brings together excerpts from Steiner's many talks and writings on Christmas. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary and notes. Chapters: Christmas in a Grevious Age; Christmas and the Earth; Delving to the Core; The Child and the Tree; Towards a New Christmas.
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Four Mystery Dramas
Four Mystery Dramas
Rudolf Steiner's four mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma. They transport us into a landscape of the human soul and spirit, where suprasensory beings are active. Through the perception of these hidden worlds, we are given the opportunity to understand the struggles we face in attempting to apply spiritual knowledge to our everyday lives and relationships. Written between 1910 and 1913 during periods of intense inner and outer work, these dramas are powerful testimonies to Steiner's artistic creativity. By manifesting soul and spirit forms on a stage, they foreshadow a dramatic art for the future. The complete cycle of four plays is reproduced here in the classic translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch. The Four Plays: The Portal of Initiation: A Rosicrucian Mystery, through Rudolf Steiner The Soul's Probation: A Life Tableau in Dramatic Scenes As Sequel to the Portal of Initiation, through Rudolf Steiner The Guardian of the Threshold: Soul Events in Dramatic Scenes, by Rudolf Steiner The Souls' Awakening: Soul and Spirit Events in Dramatic Scenes, by Rudolf Steiner This volume is a translation of Vier Mysteriendramen (vol. 14 of Rudolf Steiner's Complete Works).
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In this introductory reader, Matthew Barton has collected excerpts from Steiners many talks and writings on the subject of Michaelmas, one of the key spiritual festivals of the yearly cycle. The volume also features an editorial introduction, afterword, commentary, and notes.
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