Series and Products in the Development of Mathematics
"Sources in the Development of Mathematics: Series and Products from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century, my book of 2011, was intended for an audience of graduate students or beyond. However, since much of its mathematics lies at the foundations of the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, I decided to use portions of my book as the text for an advanced undergraduate course. I was very pleased to find that my curious and diligent students, of varied levels of mathematical talent, could understand a good bit of the material and get insight into mathematics they had already studied as well as topics with which they were unfamiliar. Of course, the students could profitably study such topics from good textbooks. But I observed that when they read original proofs, perhaps with gaps or with slightly opaque arguments, students gained very valuable insight into the process of mathematical thinking and intuition. Moreover, the study of the steps, often over long periods of time, by which earlier mathematicians refined and clarified their arguments revealed to my students the essential points at the crux of those results, points that may be more difficult to discern in later streamlined presentations. As they worked to understand the material, my students witnessed the difficulty and beauty of original mathematical work and this was a source of great enjoyment to many of them. I have now thrice taught this course, with extremely positive student response"--