A Witches' Canon
Traditional Witchcraft and an Exploration of Its Magical Techniques, Rites and Symbols. The truth is, Witchcraft never altogether went away. The old Witchcraft was driven deep into the shadows only to emerge again as a vibrant, nature-based spiritual practice, well attuned to our modern times. It is a cooperative religion, born in the Stone-Age yet ideally suited for this present Age of Science and Technology. A religion and magical practice of Dance, Fun and Mirth. After all, who said that religion is not to be enjoyed? A Witches’ Canon, Part 1, was written to provide a fact-based referenced guide for those wishing to further explore the Religion and Celebratory Rituals of Traditional Wicca. A Witches’ Canon, Part 2, provides a practical, referenced guide to the social aspects of Traditional Wicca; of Coven Organization, Initiations, Rites and Rituals. A Witches’ Canon, Part 3, is a fact-based referenced guide to the practice of Magical Witchcraft, both nice and naughty. If it isn’t fun, then it ain’t worth doing.