Ross Wilkinson's a regular guy; family man, businessman, and sportsman. He was having a great life until 'BANG'?Depression hit, seemingly out of nowhere. He struggled with the illness for two years and then 'BANG'?one day he found a solution. By taking probiotics, he repaired his gut health. It was a very fortunate accident.Being an engineer, Ross wanted to know 'why' it worked. He devoured every book, scientific paper, and magazine article on the subject of probiotics and gut health, discovering their links to mental health. By combining the science, real world observation, anecdotal evidence, and old wives' tales, he found the answers he was looking for.I'll reveal his formula for alleviating Depression, right now! 1.Take Probiotics to fix your gut health2.Eat more Salt3.Get more Sunshine (or eat it!)4.Avoid Poisons5.Drink Alcohol (but not too much)6.Eat the foods that your Grandparents ate7. Be wary of Supplements and Vitamins Ross claims biology, not psychology, is responsible for most Depression, and that the primary biological cause is Antibiotics.Deciding whether to spend your hard earned cash on this book? Well, if you, or someone you know suffers from Depression, buy it! You won't regret the purchase. Even if you haven't experienced this illness, his advice will improve your general health and help prevent Depression from happening to you. Hey, if you want your'i's dotted and 't's crossed, don't buy it. This is a vegan free, politically incorrect book.P.S. If you've never taken antibiotics before, don't buy this book. Good?we eliminated that guy. Now for the rest of you, read on!