American Paintings at Harvard
With contributions by Ross Barrett, Michelle DuBois, Judith Hoos Fox, Sandra Grindlay, Stephanie Mayer Heydt, Anna Lee Kamplain, Kevin Moore, Virginia Raguin, Melissa Renn, Kerry Schauber, and Miriam Stewart This handsome book is the first to appear in a series of three volumes that will catalogue Harvard University’s distinguished collection of American paintings. It documents nearly 500 paintings, watercolors, pastels, and stained-glass windows––many of which have never been published before––by artists born between 1826 and 1856. The book features works by Albert Bierstadt, Winslow Homer, John La Farge, John Singer Sargent, J. A. M. Whistler, and Sarah Wyman Whitman, along with numerous less-known but important artists. Entries that draw on new research and scholarship accompany the works. Included is an introduction by Theodore Stebbins, Jr., outlining Harvard’s collecting history and an essay by Virginia Raguin introducing Harvard’s Memorial Hall and its twenty-one masterworks in stained glass. Also included are eighty-three works by Charles Herbert Moore, artist, educator, and the Fogg Art Museum’s first director.