Critical Issues in Education
Critical Issues in Education examines three questions that are at the core of the education debate in the United States: What interests should schools serve? What knowledge should schools teach? How do we develop the human environment of schools? When answering these queries the authors advocate the use of critical thinking, which includes dialogue and dialectic reasoning. Dynamic and interactive, dialogue requires listening and assessment, while dialectic stimulates the development of a creative response that encompasses both sides of an issue. When applied, these approaches engender an informative and stimulating discussion. In order to explore the depth of current educational issues, the Ninth Edition considers 15 topics, providing supporting evidence and reasoning for two divergent views. These issues include violence in schools, the role of technology, gender equity, multiculturalism, inclusion and disability, and school choice. Both civic and professional discussions regarding improvements will have consequences for students, teachers, and society. As a result, educational views and the social landscape in which they reside deserve critical study.