Administrative Law
This streamlined casebook focuses on core issues, illuminating the principles and underlying doctrine of administrative law through analysis of lightly edited cases that preserve the language of the judiciary. If you prefer the case method approach, you will find everything you want in Administrative Law, Second Edition: A case-based approach featuring lightly edited cases that preserve the language of the decision and include facts, content, analysis, and citations Keystone cases introduce important themes and topics an emphasis on the core issues of administrative law: adjudication, rulemaking, government agencies, and judicial review Discussion and questions, between the cases, that make connections to legal points raised in the preceding case and stimulate class discussion Authors’ notes that enrich students’ understanding of legal doctrine A flexible four-part organization that adapts to a variety of teaching approaches and can be easily covered in a three-unit course an updated and comprehensive Teacher’s Manual that answers all of the questions, summarizes the cases, and offers additional problem exercises with explanations and analyses New author website that provides additional coverage of selected topics Treatment of important recent administrative law decisions, including: Gonzales v. Oregon Hamdan v. Rumsfeld Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Hein v. Freedom from Religion Foundation Woodford v. Ngo Brand X Internet Service Dismas Charities Dominion Energy Long Island Care at Home Town of Castle Rock “Theory Applied Problems," that test student understanding of major concepts Discussion of the relationship between administrative law And The War on Terror Expanded coverage of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Expanded treatment of the role of the President in implementing statutes that includes new material on presidential signing statements and updates the materials on OMB review of agency rulemaking Rogers, Healy, and Krotoszynski use case analysis to illuminate the underlying principles of administrative law. Examine a desk copy yourself to determine whether their highly adaptable four-part casebook doesn’t perfectly conform to the wants and dictates of your own syllabus and teaching goals.