Fetal Medicine E-Book
Covering pertinent basic science and offering today's most authoritative guidance on clinical management, Fetal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in care of the fetus. An international team of expert contributors delivers the knowledge and background you need to effectively diagnose and treat fetal disorders – everything from prenatal screening and diagnostic tests to common and rare prenatal conditions, early pregnancy loss, ethical issues, and much more. - Focuses on fetal medicine throughout, bringing you today's most reliable information in both basic science and clinical topics. - Offers updated information from cover to cover, including new coverage of genetics, embryology, and clinical management. - Features new self-assessment questions and new images throughout – for a total of nearly 1,000 photographs and line drawings, as well as more than 150 quick-reference tables. - Details fast-changing developments in fetal medicine, including advances in ultrasound imaging, cytogenetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry. - Helps you learn and retrieve complex information quickly thanks to succinct, highly structured text; key points at the beginning of each chapter; and concise chapter summaries. New editor team – 3 new editors with an international approach – they will select qualified authors who can discuss the basic science as well as the clinical aspects of perinatal problems Updated knowledge content – major areas of change are non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and genetic testing – Ron Wapner is one of the leaders in these fields Expert Consult access – individual electronic access for the first time 4-color design – current design is b&w so will update with new colors and colorize the drawings.