A Dark Knight for the King
Dark forces threaten Wales, and only Prince Lleu, heir to the throne, recognizes their destructive power. But the mad Regent, Lord Glyndwr, bars Lleus efforts to save his kingdom. Forced to flee Wales, Lleu reluctantly joins with the mysterious beggar-thief, Selwyn Wyles, as they set out on a perilous journey to find the Crystal Warrior, Mael Duin, who holds the key which will enable Lleu to save his ravaged country. From the glittering Castle of Light to the frozen wastes of the Eryrian Ice Sea, Lleu and Wyles battle demonic forces and world-shattering storms. Befriended by Arto Gawr, last of the legendary Frost Giants, they reach Duins sanctuary. But deep in the Valley of the Skull, Duin challenges them with a staggering reality beyond the readers imagination.