Livestock guardian dog
Are you interested in the breeds of guard dogs? You have made a good choice. Herd protection dogs are something very special and that in every respect. They impress not only with their imposing size, but also by their external appearance. This can be very striking depending on the breed. While some come up with a beautiful long and white coat, others have shaggy hair that looks like dreadlocks. Many of these guard dogs have in common that they are descended from Asian dogs, which came to Europe many thousands of years ago through the migrations. These dogs already possessed the important qualities of natural protection and guarding instincts, and also the gift of acting independently and making decisions without human interference. The contents of the book are: - Difference guard dog and herding dog - A portrait of guard dogs - Which breeds are there? - Education of the dogs - Herding dogs at home - FCI Standards - Summary Even the diet of the guard dogs, which is still unusual today, can be traced back to this time. They are not fed like conventional domestic dogs, but much lower in protein. Furthermore, these dogs are also able to digest dairy products, which is not the case with normal dogs and can lead to digestive disorders. Now the future owner of such a dog should be aware, however, that likewise the attitude and education can lead to considerable problems. Such a large dog needs a lot of space and it is not enough to have a small garden. The demands of a guard dog are somewhat higher and you must be able to fulfill them, so that your companion can lead a species-appropriate life. As you can see from these few lines, a guard dog is not a dog for everyone. It belongs in absolutely experienced hands. If you belong to these experienced hands, inform yourself in this guide about the different breeds of guard dogs. Learn what belongs to their strengths and weaknesses and whether such a special dog is also suitable as a family dog. Have fun reading and learn