This work is a unique source for the rapidly growing biomaterials community on topics at the interface of biomaterials and nanotechnology. The book will cover an extensive range of topics related to the processing, characterization, modeling, and applications of nanostructured medical device materials and biological materials. The book will cover the science and technology of nanostructured ceramics, polymers, metals, and composites, including nanocomposites, self- assembled materials and biological macromolecules. Novel approaches for bottom-up and top-down processing of nanostructured biomaterials will be highlighted. Innovative techniques for characterizing and modeling nanostructured material properties, in vitro behavior, and in vivo behavior will also be included. In addition, applications of nanostructured biomaterials in bioMEMS, cardiology, drug delivery, gene therapy, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, sensing, separation, and tissue engineering will be featured. Finally, topics related to nanostructured material toxicology will be included. The book will serve many groups involved in the development and use of biomaterials, including engineering students, biological science students, and industrial researchers. Provides students and researchers with a concise and structured description of the materials and the technologies used in the development of nanostructured biomaterials, aiding impactful research An integrated approach discusses biological and engineering aspects of nanostructured biomaterials in one place, limiting time wasted in literature review Designed by intent rather than compiled loosely from random articles, the work builds sequential, building-block knowledge with course-suitable pedagogy, bringing researchers rapidly up to speed on any aspect of the are