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Industrial Microwave Heating
Industrial Microwave Heating
This book offers a broad coverage of the theory and practice of industrial microwave heating. It introduces the physical processes behind dipolar and conductivity loss mechanisms and follows with a thorough presentation of dielectric property data of many industrial materials as a function of the moisture content, temperature and frequency, focussing on the interpretation of such data as regards the suitabiliy for processing these materials with microwave energy. The basic equations which govern the power dissipation, attenuation, phase constant, penetration depth and skin depth are derived from first principles while the transport equations of heat, mass and pressure are qualitatively described, giving particular emphasis to the physical mechanisms behind high frequency drying. The book provides established procedures backed by theoretical formulations for the design of industrial travelling wave and multimode applicators. It also provides extensive coverage of single mode fundamental or higher order resonant cavities and outlines a number of atypical applicator structures. It describes the essential features of processing with microwaves under vacuum and presents a brief introduction to the mechanisms which lead to gas breakdown. It stresses the need for a degree of hybridisation with other electrical or conventional heating systems and discusses a few such schemes. The book outlines a number of systems for limiting leakage from on-line industrial microwave systems and concludes with an extensive discussion of successful industrial applications.
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Engineers' Handbook of Industrial Microwave Heating
Engineers' Handbook of Industrial Microwave Heating
A complete guide, this book presents industrial microwave heating from an engineering base and integrating the essential elements of microwave theory and heat transfer with practical design, application and operational issues.
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Tolerating Strangers in Intolerant Times
Tolerating Strangers in Intolerant Times
In this interdisciplinary and wide-ranging study, Roger Kennedy looks at the roots of tolerance and intolerance as well as the role of the stranger and strangeness in provoking basic fears about our identity. He argues that a fear of a loss of attachment to one’s home might account for many prejudiced and intolerant attitudes to refugees and migrants; that basic fears about being displaced by so-called ‘strangers’ from our precious and precarious sense of a psychic home can tear communities apart, as well as lead to discrimination against those who appear to be different. Present day intolerance includes fears about the ‘hordes’ of immigrants confused with realistic fears about terrorist attacks, populist fears about loss of cultural integrity and with it a sense of powerlessness, and fearful debates about such basics as truth, including the so-called ‘post truth’ issue. Such fears, as explored in the book, mirror old arguments going back centuries to the early enlightenment thinkers and even before, when the parameters of discussion about tolerance were mainly around religious tolerance. There is urgency about addressing these kinds of issue once more at a time when the ‘ground rules’ of what makes for a civilized society seem to be under threat. Kennedy argues that society needs a ‘tolerance process’, in which critical thinking and respectful judgment can take place in an atmosphere of debate and reasonably open communication, when issues around what can and cannot be tolerated about different beliefs, practices and attitudes in people in our own and other cultures, are examined and debated. Tolerating Strangers in Intolerant Times, with the help of psychoanalytic, literary, social and political thinking, looks at what such a tolerance process could look like in a world increasingly prone to intolerance and prejudice. It will appeal to psychoanalysts as well as scholars of politics and philosophy.
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Colorado Ice Hockey
Colorado Ice Hockey
Colorado has a long, rich ice hockey history. The earliest references date back to January 28, 1893, from an article in the Rocky Mountain Sun . There have been many colorful teams, like the Colorado Rocky team, the Denver Spurs, and the Colorado Flames. On February 22, 1980, ice hockey suddenly vaulted onto the forefront of the American sports scene, due in large part of what is simply known as "the Miracle on Ice." The US men's ice hockey team had pulled off an incredible upset over the Soviet Union men's ice hockey team and then went on to win the gold medal over Finland. It gave the country a reason to celebrate and made the sport of ice hockey red hot! That "miracle" started in 1979 at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs with the selection of players at the 1979 National Sports Festival. Leadville, Steamboat Springs, Aspen, Colorado College, Denver University, Salida, Pueblo, and Fort Collins have all contributed to the "fastest game on ice."
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Statistical Approaches to Measurement Invariance
Statistical Approaches to Measurement Invariance
This book reviews the statistical procedures used to detect measurement bias. Measurement bias is examined from a general latent variable perspective so as to accommodate different forms of testing in a variety of contexts including cognitive or clinical variables, attitudes, personality dimensions, or emotional states. Measurement models that underlie psychometric practice are described, including their strengths and limitations. Practical strategies and examples for dealing with bias detection are provided throughout. The book begins with an introduction to the general topic, followed by a review of the measurement models used in psychometric theory. Emphasis is placed on latent variable models, with introductions to classical test theory, factor analysis, and item response theory, and the controversies associated with each, being provided. Measurement invariance and bias in the context of multiple populations is defined in chapter 3 followed by chapter 4 that describes the common factor model for continuous measures in multiple populations and its use in the investigation of factorial invariance. Identification problems in confirmatory factor analysis are examined along with estimation and fit evaluation and an example using WAIS-R data. The factor analysis model for discrete measures in multiple populations with an emphasis on the specification, identification, estimation, and fit evaluation issues is addressed in the next chapter. An MMPI item data example is provided. Chapter 6 reviews both dichotomous and polytomous item response scales emphasizing estimation methods and model fit evaluation. The use of models in item response theory in evaluating invariance across multiple populations is then described, including an example that uses data from a large-scale achievement test. Chapter 8 examines item bias evaluation methods that use observed scores to match individuals and provides an example that applies item response theory to data introduced earlier in the book. The book concludes with the implications of measurement bias for the use of tests in prediction in educational or employment settings. A valuable supplement for advanced courses on psychometrics, testing, measurement, assessment, latent variable modeling, and/or quantitative methods taught in departments of psychology and education, researchers faced with considering bias in measurement will also value this book.
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Valuation Handbook - U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital
Valuation Handbook - U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital
The Valuation Handbook –U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital, 2013 Essentials Editionincludes two sets of valuation data: Data previously published in the 2013 Duff & Phelps Risk Premium Report Data previously published in the Morningstar/Ibbotson 2013 Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation (SBBI) Valuation Yearbook The Valuation Handbook – U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital, 2013 Essentials Edition includes data through December 31, 2012, and is intended to be used for 2013 valuation dates. The Valuation Handbook – U.S. Essentials Editions are designed to function as historical archives of two sets of valuation data previously published annually in: The Morningstar/Ibbotson Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation (SBBI) Valuation Yearbook from 1999 through 2013 The Duff & Phelps Risk Premium Report from 1999 through 2013 The Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbook – U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital from 2014 The Valuation Handbook – U.S. Essentials Editions are ideal for valuation analysts needing "historical" valuation data for use in: The preparation of carve-out historical financial statements, in cases where historical goodwill impairment testing is necessary Valuing legal entities as of vintage date for tax litigation related to a prior corporate restructuring Tax litigation related to historical transfer pricing policies, etc. The Valuation Handbook – U.S. Essentials Editions are also designed to serve the needs of: Corporate finance officers for pricing or evaluating mergers and acquisitions, raising private or public equity, property taxation, and stakeholder disputes Corporate officers for the evaluation of investments for capital budgeting decisions Investment bankers for pricing public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity financing CPAs who deal with either valuation for financial reporting or client valuations issues Judges and attorneys who deal with valuation issues in mergers and acquisitions, shareholder and partner disputes, damage cases, solvency cases, bankruptcy reorganizations, property taxes, rate setting, transfer pricing, and financial reporting For more information about Duff & Phelps valuation data resources published by Wiley, please visit
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Colonels in Blue
Colonels in Blue
" ... profiles ... contain an overview of each colonel's military career, including his previous ranks and commands; his occupation and education; his dates of birth and death; his place of burial; and a list of sources for further reading. Where possible, a photograph accompanies each profile. The author has also provided a list of every infantry, militia, cavalry, and artillery regiment in each state, complete with a succession of its commanding officers."--Dust jacket flap.
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New Perspectives in Prostate Cancer
New Perspectives in Prostate Cancer
A summary of the highlights of the Second International Forum on Prostate Cancer, held in Cambridge in 1998. The contributors include scientists, epidemiologists and clinicians who provide both a North American and a European view of treatment. The patient's perspective is also considered.
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Cop Shows
Cop Shows
From cops who are paragons of virtue, to cops who are as bad as the bad guys...from surly loners, to upbeat partners...from detectives who pursue painstaking investigation, to loose cannons who just want to kick down the door, the heroes and anti-heroes of TV police dramas are part of who we are. They enter our living rooms and tell us tall tales about the social contract that exists between the citizen and the police. Love them or loathe them--according to the ratings, we love them--they serve a function. They've entertained, informed and sometimes infuriated audiences for more than 60 years. This book examines Dragnet, Highway Patrol, Naked City, The Untouchables, The F.B.I., Columbo, Hawaii Five-O, Kojak, Starsky & Hutch, Hill Street Blues, Cagney & Lacey, Miami Vice, Law & Order, Homicide: Life on the Street, NYPD Blue, CSI, The Shield, The Wire, and Justified. It's time to take another look at the "perps," the "vics" and the boys and girls in blue, and ask how their representation intersects with questions of class, gender, sexuality, and "race." What is their socio-cultural agenda? What is their relation to genre and televisuality? And why is it that when a TV cop gives a witness his card and says, "call me," that witness always ends up on a slab?
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Federal Programs of Assistance to Native Americans
Federal Programs of Assistance to Native Americans
This updated document is invaluable to individuals and Indian tribes, providing knowledge on how to obtain access to assistance programs for American Indians.
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