Saving the World Before Breakfast -Invention & Innovation Keys
Do you want to save the world ? or at least improve it? Do you have an idea that could be great-could bring wealth-if you could just make it happen? That requires invention to start & then the bigger task of innovation. Everything from farming, to computers, to cell phones only happened with those two-everything! Dreams and invention are the start. Then, innovation continues with the blood, sweat, and tears of carrying through to make some new thing work reliably. Harder still is convincing many people to change-building, testing, marketing, and dozens of other details.That's not easy. People have things that already work, and any change might not. Naturally, they're cautious. It is often a long hard road to that great innovation. If you choose the road of invention and innovation, you will definitely face daunting tasks; yet, you may earn a fortuneLet Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs, and many others inspire you as you race along that road. Look at, analyze, annotate, and apply the one-hundred-and-two journal entries-one a day-to find new angles and new inspiration to keep working to make those new things work. Note: For detailed examples of innovations for saving the world from climate change, see Saving the World Before Breakfast: A Better Green New Deal and Saving the World Before Breakfast: The Earth Alone Can Save Us.