Crime Artist
Wasn't life simpler when your closest companion was an imaginary friend? Meet Tim Waldo, a computer engineer who finds growing up is growing old. Family finances push his wife, Megan, back into the work force, which means Tim must help more in the one place he is hopeless - around the house. Between the bills he can't pay and the time he can't spend, he discovers that he had dropped his aspirations while struggling to juggle his home life and his career. When his American Dream turns into a nightmare, he daydreams of a beautiful co-worker named Heather. From his rusty car to his boring work meetings to the practice gym of his daughter's basketball team, Heather transcends from Tim's mind to brighten his dull existence. With his marriage in need of some magic and his troubled company in need of a miracle, his fantasy girl becomes his trusted ally in solving the mysteries of life, love, and paying attention to things that matter. Can our hero stop the wicked finance manager from closing the factory, rescue his princess from the evil coach, and find the treasure buried deep inside him? Does a pocket protector chafe his nipple?