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Introducing Morphology
Introducing Morphology
Morphology is the study of how words are put together. A lively introduction to the subject, this textbook is intended for undergraduates with relatively little background in linguistics. Providing data from a wide variety of languages, it includes hands-on activities such as 'challenge boxes', designed to encourage students to gather their own data and analyse it, work with data on websites, perform simple experiments, and discuss topics with each other. There is also an extensive introduction to the terms and concepts necessary for analysing words. Topics such as the mental lexicon, derivation, compounding, inflection, morphological typology, productivity, and the interface of morphology with syntax and phonology expose students to the whole scope of the field. Unlike other textbooks it anticipates the question 'Is it a real word?' and tackles it head on by looking at the distinction between dictionaries and the mental lexicon.
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English Nouns
English Nouns
Using extensive data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (Davies, 2008), this groundbreaking book shows that the syntactic patterns in which English nominalizations can be found and the range of possible readings they can express are very different from what has been claimed in past theoretical treatments, and therefore that previous treatments cannot be correct. Lieber argues that the relationship between form and meaning in the nominalization processes of English is virtually never one-to-one, but rather forms a complex web that can be likened to a derivational ecosystem. Using the Lexical Semantic Framework (LSF), she develops an analysis that captures the interrelatedness and context dependence of nominal readings, and suggests that the key to the behavior of nominalizations is that their underlying semantic representations are underspecified in specific ways and that their ultimate interpretation must be fixed in context using processes available within the LSF.
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Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Morphology and Lexical Semantics explores the meanings of morphemes and how they combine to form the meanings of complex words, including derived words (writer, unionise), compounds (dog bed, truck driver) and words formed by conversion. Rochelle Lieber discusses the lexical semantics of word formation in a systematic way, allowing the reader to explore the nature of affixal polysemy, the reasons why there are multiple affixes with the same function and the issues of mismatch between form and meaning in word formation. Using a series of case studies from English, this book develops and justifies the theoretical apparatus necessary for raising and answering many questions about the semantics of word formation. Distinguishing between a lexical semantic skeleton that is featural and hierarchically organised and a lexical semantic body that is holistic, it shows how the semantics of word formation has a paradigmatic character.
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An Integrated Theory of Autosegmental Processes
An Integrated Theory of Autosegmental Processes
This volume resolves an inconsistency that has arisen in the autosegmental theory of phonology and morphology - some versions of this theory allow a single distinctive feature to be duplicated on more than one tier, and others do not. In this book the author affirms that duplication of features should be allowed, but should not be restricted, by a device called the Duplicate Features Filter. She proposes a number of other revisions to current autosegmental theory, and shows how this unified theory can lead to elegant and revealing analyses of such varied phenomena as consonant mutation, umlaut, infixation and the behavior of depressor consonants in tone languages, and vowel and consonant harmony processes. Languages as diverse as Khalka Mongolian, modern German, Zulu, Andalusian Spanish, Terena, Mixtec, Chumash, Fula, Nuer, and Chemehuevi are discussed. Integrated autosegmental theory draws together diverse linguistic phenomena and reveals underlying similarities among them. The result is a concise and detailed work which brings the phenomena of autosegmental phonology and morphology into a single cohesive framework.
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The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology
The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology
The first comprehensive description of English word formation covers inflection and derivation, compounding, conversion, and minor processes such as subtractive morphology. It combines theory-neutral presentation of data with theoretically informed analysis. Written by three outstanding scholars, this is a vital reference resource for all linguists.
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