Psychology in Context, Books a la Carte Plus MyPsychLab CourseCompass
For today's busy student, we've created a new line of highly portable books at affordable prices. Each title in the Books a la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version - allowing students to take only what they need to class. As an added bonus, each Books a la Carte Plus edition is accompanied by an access code to all of the resources found in one of our best-selling multimedia products. Best of all? Our Books a la Carte Plus titles cost less than a used textbook! To be the most comprehensive neuroscience introductory psychology book, every chapter contains much new research and cutting-edge coverage, all accessibly presented with engaging real-world examples that make the material relevant and interesting to students. Students learn the connections between the various fields of psychology in their introductory course by using Kosslyn /Rosenberg 3e. They also understand the science behind psychology while being motivated to learn with student-friendly pedagogy and real world examples. Students will understand the scientific method, how to think critically about research, and how to draw inferences from the results. The research process, the brain in action, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language and thinking, types of intelligence, emotion and motivations, personality, developmental psychology, stress and coping, psychological disorders and treatments, social psychology. Introductory Psychology SP 0101