Global Corruption Report 2001
The Global Corruption Report 2001 is the new annual publication of Transparency International, the leading global anti-corruption NGO. By providing an overview of the "state of corruption" around the globe, the Global Corruption Report fills a significant gap in the existing literature. It assembles news and analysis on corruption and the fight against it around the world, highlighting international and regional trends, and significant instances of reform. It also reveals the links between global, regional and national developments in the corruption field, and does so from the independent perspective of an NGO. The book includes reports by leading experts on topical issues such as political party funding, money laundering, and corruption in international sport, exploring in particular the global nature of these themes. It also contains 12 regionally-focused reports, written by journalists from around the world. The report's final data and research section delivers a unique survey of the contemporary corruption and anti-corruption research terrain, with contributions from a range of IGOs, NGOs, the private sector, and academics. It also contains TI's own well-known Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The Global Corruption Report is a "must have" publication for policy-makers, business people, lawyers, journalists, academics, and anti-corruption activists the world over.