Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design
The leading industry association's handbook for going green inthe kitchen and bath Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design is the NationalKitchen and Bath Association's complete guide to "greening" theseimportant rooms. The first book to focus exclusively on kitchen andbath sustainability, this full color guide covers everyconsideration for both remodels and new construction, making it ahandy reference for any kitchen and bath professional. Case studiesof award-winning projects demonstrate how space, budget, andsustainability can come together to create beautiful, functional,efficient rooms, and illustrations throughout provide visualexamples of the techniques discussed. The book includes informationon greening one's practice for the client's benefit, plus anappendix of additional resources and instructional materials forclassroom use. Outside of general heating and cooling, kitchen appliances usethe bulk of a household's energy. Kitchens and baths together usean average of 300 gallons of water per day for a family of four,and both rooms are high-use areas that require good air quality.Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design provides a handbook todesigning these rooms for sustainability, without sacrificingcomfort or livability. With comprehensive guidance on approachingthese rooms sustainably, readers will: Communicate better with builders, clients, and potentialclients Understand technical considerations, and the criteria that makea design "green" Conduct a full design analysis, including life cycle costingand efficiency Learn the ratings systems and standards in play in the greenkitchen and bath The biggest elements of sustainable interior design—energyefficiency, water use, and materials selection—are all majorplayers in the kitchen and bath. Clients are increasingly demandingattention to sustainability issues, and designers must be up todate on the latest guidelines, best practices, and technology.Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design is the completetechnical and practical guide to green design for the kitchen andbath professional.