The Proceedings of the 20th International Humanities Conference
----- Table of Contents ----- Foreword Conference Program 2015 An Invitation to Reading: Anthony Blake Intentional Suffering in Beelzebub's Tales and Meister Eckhart's Book of Divine Consolation: a perspective on meanings: Lee van Laer Centrigravital Love in Gurdjieff's Rhetoric of Time: Paul Beekman Taylor Two Souls: Ocke de Boer Understanding Cosmic Laws: Anthony Blake The Diagram of Everything Living: Robin Bloor Seminars: Beelzebub's Tales, "Purgatory," chapter xxxviii; Meetings, "Professor Skridlov," chapter x; Life Is Real Only Then, When "I Am," Prologue Singing a Whole World: Chant Circle as Microcosmos: Darlene Franz My Illustrious Presentation-A Collaborative Picturing Beelzebub's Hoorn Where do we go from here? Foreword: The Planning Committee of the conference would like to thank all the Presenters for their help in producing these Proceedings. We hope that this publication will lead to further creative interactions between those in the Work in the future. The 20th International Humanities Conference - All & Everything 2015 convened on Wednesday, April 29th to Sunday May 3rd, 2015 at the Van der Valk Hotel, Hoorn, NH, The Netherlands. The conference was attended by 47 delegates travelling from Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. From the Conference's inception, its members have worked toward making this "gathering of the Companions of the Book" to become more and more just that - a gathering of people from all over the world who come together for the purpose of "fathoming the gist" of Gurdjieff's writings, of sharing our insights and experiences, our questions, and our efforts to understand and grow into becoming remarkable men and women. The final session of the conference on Sunday morning, traditionally entitled "Where do we go from here," provided an opportunity to discuss the achievements of the conference and the challenges facing its future editions.