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Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz: Ontology and Surrealism discusses poet Octavio Paz (1914–1998), one of Mexico´s most controversial intellectuals. Over several decades, Paz has been celebrated for his impact on literature and culture as a poet as well as an essayist, and he is recognized as a great thinker and as a student of German ontology and phenomenology. Roberto Sanchez Benitez analyzes in detail Paz’s training within the European philosophical thinking of the twentieth century, as well as in the artistic avant-garde, to illustrate the way in which philosophical, anthropological, linguistic, sociological, literary, and artistic proposals enriched his work and Mexican culture during the post-revolutionary period. Sanchez Benitez posits that Paz moved from a phenomenological ontology to a historicism of the human condition, wherein morality, politics, and the arts all reside in an ideological context where dogmatisms where impose in the face of a lack of internal criticism. This book explores the themes of the poetic act that Paz associated with his ontological and surrealist readings, leading up to when they were transformed by his experience in India and the assimilation of Eastern philosophies, along with going through a set of Western proposals relating to love, eroticism, and art. Scholars of literature, philosophy, Latin American Studies, and history will find this book particularly useful.
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Literature and History in Carlos Fuentes
Literature and History in Carlos Fuentes
Literature and History in Carlos Fuentes: Imperfect Creations analyzes the work of Carlos Fuentes (1928-2012), one of the most widely recognized Mexican novelists. A lucid awareness of national and Ibero-American cultural and historical problems, his reflections on history, culture, politics, the international order, education, have contributed to its enrichment. This book is divided into five chapters that cover the path of the discussions on: a) the identity of the Mexican within the post-revolutionary culture, based on ontological and existentialist approaches; b) the understanding of language and modernity, as well as the danger that societies face thanks to populism; c) the understanding of literature based on desire, imagination, eroticism and its relationship with the visual image; d) as well as the understanding of the other borders of literature such as the policies that divide countries, specifically Mexico-United States, in one of the most profound reflections on the subject; e) to finish with the way in which Fuentes perceived himself in the Cervantes heritage, a dialogue from which he sought to extract representational elements of that modernity from which he sought to understand some of Mexico's dilemmas.
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Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz: Ontology and Surrealism discusses poet Octavio Paz (1914–1998), one of Mexico´s most controversial intellectuals. Over several decades, Paz has been celebrated for his impact on literature and culture as a poet as well as an essayist, and he is recognized as a great thinker and as a student of German ontology and phenomenology. Roberto Sanchez Benitez analyzes in detail Paz’s training within the European philosophical thinking of the twentieth century, as well as in the artistic avant-garde, to illustrate the way in which philosophical, anthropological, linguistic, sociological, literary, and artistic proposals enriched his work and Mexican culture during the post-revolutionary period. Sanchez Benitez posits that Paz moved from a phenomenological ontology to a historicism of the human condition, wherein morality, politics, and the arts all reside in an ideological context where dogmatisms where impose in the face of a lack of internal criticism. This book explores the themes of the poetic act that Paz associated with his ontological and surrealist readings, leading up to when they were transformed by his experience in India and the assimilation of Eastern philosophies, along with going through a set of Western proposals relating to love, eroticism, and art. Scholars of literature, philosophy, Latin American Studies, and history will find this book particularly useful.
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El río en otoño
El río en otoño
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Legalidad penal como limitación al poder punitivo
Legalidad penal como limitación al poder punitivo
La influencia de la legalidad penal en la construcción del moderno Derecho Penal es innegable y a ella se ha dedicado un esfuerzo dogmático y jurisprudencial descomunal. Tampoco puede negarse el valor intrínseco que tiene la legalidad penal, determinado por la función de garantía que está llamada a cumplir. En la fisonomía que los derechos nacionales continentales le confieren a la legalidad penal, esta garantiza que la responsabilidad penal solo puede ser impuesta, entre otros presupuestos, si se ha verificado la ejecución de una conducta que esté descrita en una ley parlamentaria como un delito. Asimismo, en virtud de tal responsabilidad solo puede imponerse la pena que también esté prevista en una ley parlamentaria. En suma, que solo la ley parlamentaria puede establecer los delitos y determinar las penas aplicables a ellos, lo que se expresa en el axioma nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege parlamentaria (scripta, praevia, estricta y certa).
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Caminos de la Terapia Familiar. Un largo recorrido desde la clínica a lo social en Terapia Familiar Sistémica (Nueva edición ampliada)
Caminos de la Terapia Familiar. Un largo recorrido desde la clínica a lo social en Terapia Familiar Sistémica (Nueva edición ampliada)
Los caminos de la terapia Familiar son muchos y variados, unos anchos y rectos como autopistas bien asfaltadas, otros, veredas que se retuercen con el suelo pedregoso y lleno de obstáculos. Los hay antiguos, que llevan a lugares conocidos y frecuentados, y nuevos, recién desbrozados, que se adentran en terrenos inexplorados en busca de nuevos territorios que no siempre hallarán. A veces, se entrecruzan y superponen, desorientando al terapeuta viajero. Por ello, resulta útil retornar, de cuando en cuando, al punto de partida, reconocer los orígenes y recorrerlos pausadamente, deteniéndonos a contemplar los edificios que se han ido construyendo junto al camino. Y en el origen está la Clínica. La Terapia familiar nació y creció con objetivos claros. Tratar de resolver, de tratar, de atenuar al menos, los trastornos psicopatológicos, comenzando por el más grave de todos ellos: la psicosis. Luego se fueron bifurcando, y aparecieron los que exploraban el área sociofamiliar, el de las familias multiproblemáticas, las adicciones, la depresión y el duelo patológico, y más tarde los trastornos de personalidad, en particular el trastorno límite. Otro gran camino que se abrió muy pronto fue el de la pareja, con sus diversas facetas. En este libro, autores muy destacadas de la Terapia Familiar del sur de Europa, todos ellos estrechamente relacionados con Relates, reflexionan sobre estos caminos básicos, actualizando el abordaje que hace la Terapia Familiar sistémica, no sólo desde el punto de vista de la comprensión de estos diversos problemas relacionales, sino proponiendo las más novedosas intervenciones.
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Literatura latinoamericana
Literatura latinoamericana
Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.
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Entre la sensibilidad y el pensamiento
Entre la sensibilidad y el pensamiento
Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.
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La palabra auroral
La palabra auroral
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The Pride of Havana
The Pride of Havana
From the first amateur leagues of the 1860s to the exploits of Livan and Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, here is the definitive history of baseball in Cuba. Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria expertly traces the arc of the game, intertwining its heroes and their stories with the politics, music, dance, and literature of the Cuban people. What emerges is more than a story of balls and strikes, but a richly detailed history of Cuba told from the unique cultural perch of the baseball diamond. Filling a void created by Cuba's rejection of bullfighting and Spanish hegemony, baseball quickly became a crucial stitch in the complex social fabric of the island. By the early 1940s Cuba had become major conduit in spreading the game throughout Latin America, and a proving ground for some of the greatest talent in all of baseball, where white major leaguers and Negro League players from the U.S. all competed on the same fields with the cream of Latin talent. Indeed, readers will be introduced to several black ballplayers of Afro-Cuban descent who played in the Major Leagues before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier once and for all. Often dramatic, and always culturally resonant, Gonzalez Echevarria's narrative expertly lays open the paradox of fierce Cuban independence from the U.S. with Cuba's love for our national pastime. It shows how Fidel Castro cannily associated himself with the sport for patriotic p.r.--and reveals that his supposed baseball talent is purely mythical. Based on extensive primary research and a wealth of interviews, the colorful, often dramatic anecdotes and stories in this distinguished book comprise the most comprehensive history of Cuban baseball yet published and ultimately adds a vital lost chapter to the history of baseball in the U.S.
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