Senses, Affects and Archaeology
Senses and affects, despite what some schools of thought in modern science think, are not only a physiological tool that captures the stimuli present in the world, but are also an apparatus that constantly updates our position in the world. They are material-discursive practices that we employ on a daily basis in the interpretation and evaluation of the world, a material-discursive practice that limits, delimitates, includes and excludes, arranges and rearranges the elements we grasp and interpret within the assemblies in which we are participating. That is why it is so important to understand how we are educated within these material-discursive practices, for this is the first step towards freeing our sense-affective processes and decolonizing our worldview. An archaeology of the senses and affects is aesthetically decolonized. It recognizes that we have been educated within a senso-affective aesthetic that normalizes and colonizes our behaviour. An archaeology of the senses and affects fights against epistemological violence like that manifested in the thinking that people in the past, as well as the present, thought and acted like Westerners.