Phytotherapy of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Make use of botanical options in the treatment of CFS! Herbal therapy has gained widespread recognition in the world of health care. Herbal derivatives including aspirin, reserpine, and digitalis are mainstays of human pharmacology. Now, for the first time, Phytotherapy of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Evidence-Based and Potentially Useful Botanicals in the Treatment of CFS presents information about the uses of herbal medications for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, and it does so in language accessible to a broad audience. This vital, up-to-date work discusses the potential and proven CFS-related benefits and adverse effects of well-known botanicals such as echinacea, gingko, ginseng, St. John’s wort, and garlic, as well as many lesser known herbs such as erkang and hedgehog hydnum. Phytotherapy of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome summarizes the knowledge and experience garnered from published case reports, randomized controlled trials, and meta-analyses on the use of herbal medicine, emphasizing the herbs most often used in the treatment of fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and related disorders. Potential applications and pharmacological interactions of herbal products that have not been subjected to clinical trials for the treatment of fatigue are also addressed. Phytotherapy of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome thoroughly discusses the effects of various botanicals on CFS-related aspects of the following specialties: Allergy/Immunology Cardiology Endocrinology Gastroenterology/Hepatology Infectious Diseases Oncology Neurology Psychiatry Phytotherapy of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is written in the spirit of the collegial responsibility that compels the members of the professional health care community--nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and social workers--to inform each other and their patients about herbs, including their potential risks, possible benefits, and antidotes for overdose. Extensive reference notes are included.