Incident at Jebel Sherif
"31 January 1941:The tide of the Desert War in North Africa has turned against Italy, which has attacked British-occupied Egypt. The Italian northern front has collapsed and their army is in full retreat west towards Tripoli. Meanwhile in the far south among some isolated hills, two small mobile Special Forces units of the belligerent nations, the Compagnia Autosahariana di Cufra and T Patrol of the Long Range Desert Group, clash. This story was to become known as the incident at Jebel Sherif. 26 November 2006: After a long journey from the north, another small group rediscovers the same hills. This is the story of the incident at Jebel Sherif. For the first time, all available reports and accounts have been gathered and evaluated. An interview with a NZ veteran and the assistance of the LRDG Patrol Commander's son, together with two recent visits to the location, have allowed the authors to draw the most probable conclusions about the sequence of events. The book provides not only full details about the incident at Jebel Sherif, but also contains a dramatic account of the desert journey to and from this very remote location. This book is intended as a memorial to those - of any nation - who suffered and lost their lives during the years of the colonial occupation of Libya, the Second World War and all the conflicts that followed."--Publisher's description.