Engaging EVERY Learner
Join today′s most insightful thinkers as they explore the heart, mind, and soul of educational leadership! This concise volume offers educational leaders key concepts and strategies for framing discussions about closing the equity gap and ensuring high achievement for all learners. As the first volume in The Soul of Educational Leadership series, this unique collection presents: Pedro A. Noguera and Alan M. Blankstein on essential questions and themes Delores B. Lindsey and Randall B. Lindsey on culturally proficient equity audits Antoinette Mitchell on the knowledge base for teaching diverse learners in big-city schools Stephen G. Peters on how to capture, inspire, and teach every learner Thomas R. Guskey on rethinking the work of Benjamin S. Bloom Karen J. Pittman and Merita Irby on readiness for college, work, and life Alan Boyle on helping failing schools to turn around Richard Farson on the paradoxes of risk, challenge, failure, and innovation Pioneering educators and series editors Alan M. Blankstein, Robert W. Cole, and Paul D. Houston offer thought-provoking ideas applicable to all schools, districts, and learning communities and include a complete index for browsing and easy reference.