Milestones in American Literary History
Discusses the literary importance of 32 books by writers such as Lewis Mumford, D.H. Lawrence, Vernon Louis Parrington, Emile Legouis and Louis Cazamian, Bernard Fay, Norman Foerster, Howard Mumford Jones, Constance Rourke, Percy H. Boynton, Henry Seidel Canby, Myron F. Brightfield, Granville Hicks, Malcolm Cowley, Van Wyck Brooks, Josephine K. Piercy, Ralph H. Gabriel, F.O. Matthiessen, Augusto Santino, Donald Stauffer, Frank Luther Mott, Alfred Cazin, J. Donald Adams, Charles Cestre, Alexander Cowie, Lars Aahnebrink, Van Wyck Brooks, Frederick J. Hoffman, Harold C. Gardiner, Louise Bogan, Maxwell Geismar, Randall Stewart, and Willard Thorp.