Small Forays Into Big Spaces
Drawing on his experience as a student of ecology, his career in natural resource management, and his lifelong love of nature, Robert B. Weeden shows how living beings and their environments—foxes, bears, trees, ponds—have shaped the course of his life. An avid journal-keeper with a poetic sensibility, here Weeden has collected his thoughts and musings of the past thirteen years into an epistolary memoir that teaches us how everything is connected: pick up a feather and you will find the universe. By turns smart, funny, and touching, Small Forays into Big Spaces converses with other writers and scientists about topics ranging including natural history and human prehistory, creative imagination, humans’ evolving ideas of home, and the way we think of ourselves as both biological and cultural creatures. Above all, this book is an invitation to join the author in his small forays, and be inspired to create your own beginnings, full of childlike wonder at the miracle of life on Earth. Intended for lovers of nature, observers of the world, poets or poets-at-heart, and scientists reconnecting to the foundational aspects of our universe, Small Forays into Big Spaces is a book to take with you on life’s journeys, and to come back to time and time again.