New Data and New Methods in Afroasiatic Linguistics
Aus dem Inhalt: A. Zaborski, Robert Hetzron (1938-1997) - BibliographyD. Appleyard, The verb 'to say' as a verb "recycling device" in Ethiopian languagesV. Bla?ek, Etymologizing the Semitic cardinal numerals of the first decadL. Edzard, Adjektive und nominalisierte Relativsatze im Semitischen: Versuch einer TypologieR.J. Hayward, A further consideration of terminal vowels in OmetoG. Hudson, Amharic EpenthesisO. Kapeliuk, Some suprasentential constructions in AmharicG. Khan, The use of the indefinite article in Neo-AramaicR. Kiessling, South Cushitic links to East CushiticM. Lamberti, The expression of prepositional phrases in BilinD. Morin, Bridging the gap between Northern and Eastern CushiticM. Mous, Basic Alagwa syntaxF.A. Pennacchietti, I popoli dell'Africa secondo Sa?id ibn al-BitriqJ.-F. Prunet, B. Chamora, The canonical shapes of Gurage verbsR.R. Ratcliffe, Analogy in Semitic morphology: Where do new roots and new patterns come from?J. Rosenhouse, Hebrew and Arabic personal names pronounced by native speakers of EnglishWeitere Beitrage von: H. Satzinger, H. Stroomer, M. Tosco, R. Voigt, A. Zaborski, T. Zewi