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Where Sin Abounds
Where Sin Abounds
Nearly all scholars divide Genesis into primeval and patriarchal history, though they debate the precise point of division. One reason advanced to justify the division is a thematic shift. In primeval history, the narrator focuses on the origin and spread of sin, as well as God's consequent curse and judgment on humanity. In patriarchal history, however, the spread of sin theme falls off the radar of most scholars. But these analyses of the primeval and patriarchal narratives are simplistic and inaccurate. In fact, the theme of human sin and the divine curse not only serve as the main themes of the Fall narrative, but they also continue to function as major themes in both the primeval and patriarchal narratives that follow. More particularly, human sin appears to increase at both individual and societal levels. Moreover, just as the primordial sin threatened to derail the advance of God's kingdom and fulfillment of the creation mandate, so the spread of human sin in postlapsarian history threatens to thwart God's redemptive plan, which consists in the restoration of his original creational intentions for divine and human eschatological fullness. This proves true even in the patriarchal narratives where the sins of God's chosen often threaten the very promise intended for their ultimate good. These facts, which the author attempts to demonstrate in the monograph, not only have important ramifications for the unity of the Genesis corpus, but they also have important implications for the doctrines of sin, justification, and sanctification.
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Where Sin Abounds
Where Sin Abounds
Nearly all scholars divide Genesis into primeval and patriarchal history, though they debate the precise point of division. One reason advanced to justify the division is a thematic shift. In primeval history, the narrator focuses on the origin and spread of sin, as well as God's consequent curse and judgment on humanity. In patriarchal history, however, the spread of sin theme falls off the radar of most scholars. But these analyses of the primeval and patriarchal narratives are simplistic and inaccurate. In fact, the theme of human sin and the divine curse not only serve as the main themes of the Fall narrative, but they also continue to function as major themes in both the primeval and patriarchal narratives that follow. More particularly, human sin appears to increase at both individual and societal levels. Moreover, just as the primordial sin threatened to derail the advance of God's kingdom and fulfillment of the creation mandate, so the spread of human sin in postlapsarian history threatens to thwart God's redemptive plan, which consists in the restoration of his original creational intentions for divine and human eschatological fullness. This proves true even in the patriarchal narratives where the sins of God's chosen often threaten the very promise intended for their ultimate good. These facts, which the author attempts to demonstrate in the monograph, not only have important ramifications for the unity of the Genesis corpus, but they also have important implications for the doctrines of sin, justification, and sanctification.
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On Hallowed Ground
On Hallowed Ground
Documents the founding of the monument cemetery on the former family plantation of Robert E. Lee, revealing how the site once intended for the burials of indigent soldiers became a national resting place of honor throughout the subsequent century.
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Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine E-Book
Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine E-Book
Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine has long been the definitive and comprehensive pulmonary disease reference. Robert J. Mason, MD now presents the fifth edition in full color with new images and highlighted clinical elements. The fully searchable text is also online at, along with regular updates, video clips, additional images, and self-assessment questions. This new edition has been completely updated and remains the essential tool you need to care for patients with pulmonary disease. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Compatible with Kindle®, nook®, and other popular devices. Master the scientific principles of respiratory medicine and its clinical applications. Work through differential diagnosis using detailed explanations of each disease entity. Learn new subjects in Pulmonary Medicine including Genetics, Ultrasound, and other key topics. Grasp the Key Points in each chapter. Search the full text online at, along with downloadable images, regular updates, more than 50 videos, case studies, and self-assessment questions. Consult new chapters covering Ultrasound, Innate Immunity, Adaptive Immunity, Deposition and Clearance, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Find critical information easily using the new full-color design that enhances teaching points and highlights challenging concepts. Apply the expertise and fresh ideas of three new editors—Drs. Thomas R. Martin, Talmadge E. King, Jr., and Dean E. Schraufnagel. Review the latest developments in genetics with advice on how the data will affect patient care.
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AIDS-Related Cancers and Their Treatment
AIDS-Related Cancers and Their Treatment
This book summarizes the etiology, presentation, and treatment of the complex symptoms, infections, and opportunistic cancers of people living with HIV/AIDS. Presents therapies that strike a balance between controlling and eliminating cancer and minimizing the damage to the immune system. Illustrates points with clear and easily read figures,
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Echo-Planar Imaging
Echo-Planar Imaging
"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made oj': Benjamin Franklin This book describes the technical principles and applications of echo-planar imaging (EPI) which, as much as any other technique, has shaped the develop ment of modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The principle of EPI, namely, the acquisition of multiple nuclear magnetic resonance echoes from a single spin excitation, has made it possible to shorten the previously time-con suming MRI data acquisition from minutes to much less than a second. Interest ingly, EPI is one of the oldest MRI techniques, conceived in 1976 by Sir Peter Mansfield only 4 years after the initial description of the principles of MRI. One of the inventors of MRI himself, Mansfield realized that fast data acquisition would be paramount in bringing medical applications of MRI to full fruition. The technological challenges in implementing EPI, however, were formidable. Until the end of the 1980s few people believed that EPI would be clinically useful, since its complexity was far greater than that of "conventional" MRI methods.
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Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis
Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis
The world is chiral. Most of the molecules in it are chiral, and asymmetric synthesis is an important means by which enantiopure chiral molecules may be obtained for study and sale. Using examples from the literature of asymmetric synthesis, this book presents a detailed analysis of the factors that govern stereoselectivity in organic reactions. After an explanation of the basic physical-organic principles governing stereoselective reactions, the authors provide a detailed, annotated glossary of stereochemical terms. A chapter on "Practical Aspects of Asymmetric Synthesis" provides a critical overview of the most common methods for the preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds, techniques for analysis of stereoisomers using chromatographic, spectroscopic, and chiroptical methods. The authors then present an overview of the most important methods in contemporary asymmetric synthesis organized by reaction type. Thus, there are four chapters on carbon-carbon bond forming reactions, one chapter on reductions, and one on oxidations (carbon-oxygen and carbon-nitrogen bond forming reactions). This organization allows the reader to compare the leading methods for asymmetric synthesis in an appropriate context. A highlight of the book is the presentation and discussion of transition states at the current level of understanding, for important reaction types. In addition, extensive tables of examples are used to give the reader an appreciation for the scope of each reaction. Finally, leading references are provided to natural product synthesis that has been accomplished using a given reaction as a key step. - Authoritative glossary to aid understanding of stereochemical terminology - Explanations of the key factors influencing stereoselectivity with numerous examples, organized by reaction type - A handy reference guide to the literature of asymmetric synthesis for practitioners in the field
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Complications of Urologic Surgery
Complications of Urologic Surgery
This comprehensive reference describes the up-to-date management of urologic complications with the emphasis on prevention. It covers acute and long-term management, laser surgery, ESWL, percutaneous techniques, ureteroscopy, female urology and continent diversion.
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Race, Place, and Environmental Justice After Hurricane Katrina
Race, Place, and Environmental Justice After Hurricane Katrina
On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall near New Orleans leaving death and destruction across the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama Gulf Coast counties. The lethargic and inept emergency response that followed exposed institutional flaws, poor planning, and false assumptions that are built into the emergency response and homeland security plans and programs. Questions linger: What went wrong? Can it happen again? Is our government equipped to plan for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from natural and manmade disasters? Can the public trust government response to be fair? Does race matter? Racial disparities exist in disaster response, cleanup, rebuilding, reconstruction, and recovery. Race plays out in natural disaster survivors' ability to rebuild, replace infrastructure, obtain loans, and locate temporary and permanent housing. Generally, low-income and people of color disaster victims spend more time in temporary housing, shelters, trailers, mobile homes, and hotels - and are more vulnerable to permanent displacement. Some 'temporary' homes have not proved to be that temporary. In exploring the geography of vulnerability, this book asks why some communities get left behind economically, spatially, and physically before and after disasters strike.
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This volume on close relationships in adulthood discusses the central issues in the field and points the way towards the construction of an integrated body of knowledge about human relationships. The self, interactions, relationships and grops are treated as dynaimc proceses in dialectical relations with each other and with the socio-cultural structure of norms, values, beliefs and institutions.; Early chpaters introduce aspecs of the slef relevant to the dynaimcs of intercayions and relationships: Intrapsychic Processes Of Cognition And Emotion Are Emphasized. These Are followed by chapters discussing the principle characteristics of relationships. Seven further chapters focus on the processes involved in the dynaimcs of relationships, and later chapters synthesize previous ones in discussions of love and friendship, and the nature of relationship change. The focus throughot the text is on current work and current controversy, placed against a background of knowledge that has been built up in recent decades.
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