God Talks to You
In the past year both Time and Newsweek have run covers dealing with a new spiritual hunger in Americans. With violence filling the front pages we wonder if there is anything more to life, if there is anything right and good in the world that we can cling to. As we get older, confronting old age and death, we look for spiritual direction. Each week at least one book on the New York Times bestseller list deals with the spiritual journey of some person. God Talks teaches the reader how to receive communications directly from God. The reader asks God questions and gets answers back. Neale Donald Walsch's book Conversations with God just spent over 100 weeks on the bestseller list. In his book God talks to Neale, in this book God talks to you. Which book would you rather read? God Talks will have a major impact on the spiritual and secular community alike. Imagine how the world will change if people talk to God and God talks back. Dr. Robert R. Perkinson has been using these techniques for ten years at Keystone Treatment Center, and for everyone who tries, God speaks to the person directly and the person knows it is God--there is no doubt. Here are a few quotes from spiritual leaders who have read the book and practiced the exercises. Clergy Reviews Reverend Mark Holland, Canton United Methodist Church, 621 E. 4th Street, Canton, SD 57013 stated, 'After reading the book, I spent several minutes quieting myself, and then I asked God if there was a message for me. 'Mark I've missed you!' Although there were no words spoken, I felt this message very clearly. I was quite surprised. Daily I was involved with spiritual matters, praying, preaching, and counseling. Nevertheless, I discovered that God was lonely for me.' Reverend Dave Waldowski, Good Shepherd Community Church, 2100 W. Ralph Rogers Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57108-2643 stated, 'This book and tape do not only 'discuss' communication with God, moreover if you follow these simple principles you will 'experience' and 'hear' God's voice on a daily basis.' Reverend Al Peratt Sr., Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 200 West Rose Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 stated, 'Everybody should give themselves a break and try this book and tape. I give it to other Pastor's, choir members, rest home residents, VA residents, and of course my own family members.' Reverend Jalmer Eldal, 6001 West Essex Dr., Sioux Falls, SD 57106-1625 stated, 'One of the very best communicators of conscious contact with God is Dr. Robert Perkinson, a psychologist at Keystone Treatment Center. His book and tape on spirituality have helped hundreds of people experience contact with God.' Through special prayer and meditation techniques, the text shows the reader how to tune in God's voice, and then how to improve conscious contact with God. The reader is lead through all of the stages of the spiritual journey and given research and specific examples to make it easy to understand. Dr. Perkinson shares his personal experience, detailing his spiritual journey, doubt, struggles and faith. If you have been feeling empty inside and longing for something you don't really understand, that is God calling you home. Through this text you will experience the joy of a personal relationship with your closest friend and Father.