Interagency and International Assignments and Officer Career Management
At the request of Congress to the Secretary of Defense, RAND undertook a study on the advisability and feasibility of a cadre of officers whose assignments and schooling would be managed so as to ensure a viable career track in which the officers would serve in interagency and international assignments. This report presents the results of the study. It (1) identifies approximately 330 such assignments at the policy level and an additional 1200 positions at the other organizational levels; (2) develops four career management models that are variations of the due-course model--managing leader succession, managing competencies, managing skills, and managing the exception; (3) looks at the feasibility of each career model at the level of the officer personnel management system as a whole and at the level of officer career tracks; and (4) assesses the advisability of the models from the perspective of the individual officer, the interagency and