Detection of Drugs and Their Metabolites in Oral Fluid
Detection of Drugs and Their Metabolites in Oral Fluid presents the analytical chemistry methods used for the detection and quantification of drugs and their metabolites in human oral fluid. The authors summarize the state of the science, including its strengths, weaknesses, unmet methodological needs, and cutting-edge trends. This volume covers the salient aspects of oral fluid drug testing, including specimen collection and handling, initial testing, point of collection testing (POCT), specimen validity testing (SVT), and confirmatory and proficiency testing. Analytes discussed include amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine, cannabimimetics, and miscellaneous drugs. This practical guide helps users turn knowledge into practice, moving logically from an outline of the problem, to the evaluation of the appropriateness of oral fluid as a test medium, and finally to a consideration of detection methods and their validation and employment. - Compares different collection and testing systems to assist readers involved in clinical or forensic practice in selecting oral fluid as the matrix of choice - Provides a sound basis for the detection of drugs and their metabolites in oral fluid and the interpretation of both positive and negative - Places the need, or lack thereof, for specimen validity testing and confirmation testing in context with the purposes of oral fluid testing - Describes drugs and drug classes that can be tested, along with useful information on a patient/donor's drug status